Nestled in the heart of Al Weibdeh, Amman, Jordan, lies a hidden gem called RivaCrystals. This shop offers an array of products that can help cure many skin diseases and problems, thanks to their high natural concentration of minerals. You can find bath salts, mud, soaps, and various types of creams for face and body, all sourced from the Dead Sea region.
The Dead Sea, located in the Jordan Valley, is known as the world’s richest source of natural salts. This magical place has accumulated wonderful treasures throughout thousands of years, making it a sought-after destination for visitors from all over the world. The unique blend of minerals in the Dead Sea has a positive effect on the body, and is highly beneficial for the cure of most skin problems.
RivaCrystals has brought the benefits of the Dead Sea to you, so you don’t have to travel to the other side of the world to experience its wonders. This shop has everything you need to indulge in the treasures, miracles, and benefits of the Dead Sea.